I can not believe Jake made it through Kindergarten! WOW! I am so proud of him, and how far he has come! He entered Kindergarten not even being able recognise all of the letters in the alphabet, or sound ANY of them out. He also started Kindergarten terrified of adults, and kids. He would never talk to any other kids that he did not REALLY know well. Too often we would be at the park or some play land and other children would want to play with him. Not only would he run from them, but he would completely ignore a friendly "HI" offered by others. His team mates on his baseball team last year would always try to play with him and hang out with him. But again, he would not respond at all! I am happy to say, that not only is Jake a reader now. He actually plays and interacts with kids ALL the time, and does so much better responding to adults he does not know. He got an award at the end of the year for being a good friend to everyone. May sound little to you, but to us.. that was HUGE!
That is awesome! Good job Jake!!
This post made me so happy. I am so proud of Jake! Just think of the young man he is turning in to!
Jake is the cutest kid ever! I bet he got away with a lot with those blue eye's? I want to go buzz my boys hair after looking at his pictures, I love short hair on boys.
Good job, sounds like Jake really grew and came out of his shell. Sometimes that early transition is the toughest, but it sounds like he's doing well. Good job all of you guys.
Jake is so cute!! Way to go!!
I love that little guy, even if he ignores me :) He's really a great kid, so kind and selfless (most of the time, but then again who doesn't have their moments). Love ya Jake!
What a geat success! It's so rewarding to see your kids overcome challenges as parents :)
What a big day for your little guy! And yay for summer, bring on the swimsuits, late nights and no homework!! (and your pictures make me want to do some camping too!)
Oh man it is hard to believe how dang quick time goes by...wasn't I just Luke's teacher in primary when he was that age. I'm getting old :)!
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